Who We Are
- The Town has 21 Councillors elected by the residents every four years.
- The Current Mayor is Councillor Adrian Findley
What We Do
The Town Councils’ duties and activities include:
- Management of Tower Gardens Pavilion including Community Hall, Cafe, Office and Changing Places Suite.
- Management of the Cemetery, Remembrance Garden, Tower Gardens, Allotments, Christmas Illuminations and some of the benches, notice boards and bus shelters in the town.
- Management of Scarbrough Avenue Car Park.
- Management of various walks, parish paths and amenity areas including Vine & Coronation Walk, King George V Walk and Beresford Field.
- Management of the play areas on Alma Avenue, Church Road, Winthorpe and Tower Gardens.
Skegness Town Council no longer provides grants. - Review and comment on planning applications within the Town
- Liaise with relevant authorities regarding infrastructure /policing/community issues to represent your views and get the best advantage for the local area
- Engage with all interested parties regarding current and future shape of life in the local area
- Verge grass cutting in Skegness and Winthorpe (delegated areas only)
- Hanging Baskets and Planters (Town Centre, Castleton Boulevard and Tower Gardens Only)
- War Memorial maintenance
- Neighbourhood Development Plan
- Charity Street Collection Licensing
- Remembrance Parade organisation
- Mayoral and Jolly Fisherman support for events
A list of our councillors along with contact information and which committees they are on.
List of our committees and what they do. With links to the agendas and minutes for each committee.
Our committees have specific tasks and can have delegated powers.
Delegated Decisions
- Committees
Each committee has delegated authority as agreed by Council during the Special Meeting held in May each year. - Officer Delegations
As part of the effective and efficient running of the Council many functions of the Council are delegated to the Town Clerk in addition to those prescribed in law under the roles of Proper Office and Responsible Finance Officer.Some delegated functions are set out in the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations, the below list of delegations are additional to any mentioned within those documents.Some functions cannot be legally delegated e.g. setting the precept or making the decision to borrow money. - Committee Structure – May 2024
- Officer Delegations May 2024
Members Allowance
Details of the allowances paid to Town Councillors
Our Staff
We have a team of staff that work together to deliver the range of services we provide.
They can be contacted through our office at the Tower Gardens Pavilion, Rutland Road, Skegness during the following opening hours; Monday to Friday 9.30am to 16.00pm and by phone or email.
If you have a problem to report, this can also be done on our online contact form.
Planning Decisions
On the Council meeting held on 25th May 2022, Council resolved that:-
The Town Clerk be given delegated authority to make comment where Planning meetings are inquorate. This could be done in consultation with those Members who turn up for the meeting.
In respect of the Neighbourhood Development Plan the Town Clerk be given delegated authority to select the Inspector from the pool provided by the Planning Authority, in consultation with the Chairman of Planning or Mayor.